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Level 3 Q22 AAT Advanced Diploma in Accounting (Standard Package)

Course Overview

Enhance your skills, knowledge and understanding of accounting with our AAT advanced diploma in accounting level 3 online course. This distance learning course is relevant for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, and is perfect for individuals in finance roles, small business owners wanting to upskill, or employers looking for bookkeeping training for staff.

This accounting course will provide practical, real-world accounting and finance skills such as period end accounting adjustments, preparing final accounts for sole traders and partnerships, identifying the costs and revenues of products and services and key spreadsheet skills.

AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) is the world’s leading professional body for bookkeeping and accounting with over 130,000 members worldwide. Their qualifications are developed in consultation with employers and will equip you with the key financial skills modern businesses are currently looking for, plus they are the perfect starting point for a successful, rewarding career in accounting and finance.

Due to the AAT syllabus change in September 2022 please read these changes.

Read about Q2022

Key Information

Course Length
52 weeks

Course Level
Level 3

Awarding Body

Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment

For Individuals

Cost and Funding Information

Full Cost Price

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Unit 1: Advanced Bookkeeping

Apply the principles of advanced double-entry bookkeeping, implement procedures for the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets, prepare and record depreciation calculations, record period end adjustments and produce and extend the trial balance. (Upon completion of this unit, learners will be required to sit a computer-based test at a local test centre of your choice. Topics from this unit may also appear within the synoptic assessment.)

Unit 2: Final Accounts Preparation

Distinguish between the financial recording and reporting requirements of different types of organisation, the need for final accounts and the accounting and ethical principles underlying their preparation. (Upon completion of this unit, learners will be required to sit a computer-based test at a local test centre of your choice. Topics from this unit may also appear within the synoptic assessment.)

Unit 3: Management Accounting: Costing

Gain an understanding of the purpose and use of management accounting within an organisation. Learn how to apply techniques required for dealing with costs, how to analyse and review deviations from budget and how to apply management accounting techniques to support decision making. (Upon completion of this unit, learners will be required to sit a computer-based test at a local test centre of your choice. Topics from this unit may also appear within the synoptic assessment.)

Unit 4: Indirect Tax

Develop an understanding of applying VAT legislation requirements, accurately completing VAT returns and submitting them in a timely manner, and the implications for the business of errors, omissions, late filing and payment. (Upon completion of this unit, learners will be required to sit a computer-based test at a local test centre of your choice. Topics from this unit may also appear within the synoptic assessment.)

Unit 5: Ethics for Accountants

Gain an understanding of the need to act ethically, the relevance to the accountant's work of the ethical code for professional accountants, how to act ethically in an accounting role and how to identify actions to take in relation to unethical behaviour or illegal acts. (Topics within this unit will be tested in the synoptic assessment.)

Unit 6: Spreadsheets for Accounting

Design and structure appropriate spreadsheets to meet customer needs, use spreadsheet software to record, format and organise data, use relevant tools to manipulate and analyse data, and use tools and techniques to prepare and report accounting information. (Topics within this unit will be tested in the synoptic assessment.)

Additional synoptic assessment preparation

Complete an additional bonus revision unit in preparation for the synoptic assessment. This additional unit includes revision sections for the key topics presented throughout all six units. (The synoptic exam is a case study style exam, where you will work through scenarios before answering the questions. They can cover any topic from any of the units in the Advanced Diploma in Accounting course.)