Level 4 AAT Credit and Debt Management
Course Overview
Organisations will usually offer credit terms to its customers, which could lead to financial difficulties if customers pay late or do not pay at all. It is therefore important to determine that potential credit customers can honour any credit terms agreed. This AAT qualification is suitable for individuals who understand performance measures relating to liquidity, profitability, and gearing. This distance learning unit is best enhanced when also studying Level 4 Drafting and Implementing Financial Statements or Level 4 Cash and Financial Management.
What is AAT? AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) is the world’s leading professional body for bookkeeping and accounting with over 130,000 members worldwide. Their qualifications are developed in consultation with employers and will equip you with the key financial skills modern businesses are currently looking for, plus they are the perfect starting point for a successful, rewarding career in accounting and finance.
Key Information
Course Length
60 hours
Course Level
Level 4
Awarding Body
Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment
For Individuals
Cost and Funding Information
Full Cost Price
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Unit 1
This unit provides an understanding and application of the principles of effective credit control systems, including appropriate debt management systems. This unit will consider the techniques that can be used to assess credit risks in line with policies, relevant legislation, and ethical principles. Students will also consider what techniques are used to enable the collection of any overdue debts.