Level 2 Functional Skills Maths
Course Overview
This functional skills maths course provides level 2 maths knowledge of the following topics: numbers, measurements and handling data. Work through all three modules in each area to fully prepare for functional skills examinations. Each module includes practice assessments, challenging activities and reflective learning to develop the crucial knowledge and skills needed to pass their exams successfully.
Key Information
Course Length
8 to 12 weeks on average
Course Level
Level 2
Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment
For Individuals
- Fully online course
- Study from anywhere, at any time
- A great addition to a CV
- Access to an award-winning e-learning platform
- No hidden costs
Cost and Funding Information
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Funded Course
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Handling information and data
Unit 1: Averages
Unit 1 summary: Explore mean, median, mode, range and frequency distribution within this unit. Learn how to estimate and use these different aspects to compare two different sets of data.
Unit 2: Probability
Unit 2 summary: Explore probability and look at examples of probability statements before completing a range of practice questions on this topic. Independent and dependent events and tree diagrams will also be covered.
Unit 3: Graphs
Unit 3 summary: Look at how data can be represented on different types of graphs and charts, including bar charts, pie charts and scatter graphs. The correlation of graphs will be covered in this unit, as well as two way frequency tables which can also be used as a way of displaying mathematical data.
Measures, shapes and space
Unit 1: Time and money
Unit 1 summary: In this unit, explore speed, distance, and time individually and the relationship between them. Look at formulas that can be used when measuring each of these aspects and how this all links together. Budgeting, conversion and exchange rates will also be covered in this unit to improve knowledge of money.
Unit 2: Converting between measurements
Unit 2 summary: Look at the different units of measurements used in maths, as well as the ways of calculating in metric and converting between different units of weight. Temperature will also be covered in this unit and look at conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Unit 3: Perimeter, area and volume (including circles and triangles)
Unit 3 summary: In this unit, explore the methods of calculating perimeter, area and volume and will complete practice questions in each area. The areas and volumes of shapes will also be covered within this unit.
Unit 4: Shapes
Unit 4 summary: Look at tessellation, symmetry, coordinates and angles in this unit, completing practice questions along the way to test their knowledge on each area. The unit covers a wide variety of shapes and how to calculate the circumference of shapes. Look at 2D and 3D shapes, rotational symmetry and coordinates within the unit.
Unit 5: Scale
Unit 5 summary: This unit teaches how to calculate measurements from scales and how to create scales, before providing practice questions for them to test what they have covered in the learning content. Scale drawings and maps are key topics in this unit.
Using numbers and the number system
Unit 1: Positive and negative numbers
Unit 1 summary: Within this unit, look at reading, writing, ordering and comparing positive and negative numbers of different sizes and will carry out calculations with numbers up to one million. Learn different strategies to check answers, including elements of estimation and approximation.
Unit 2: Decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Unit 2 summary: Explore the elements of ordering, approximating and comparing decimals, as well as looking at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals of up to three decimal places. There are practice questions embedded throughout the unit to test knowledge in these areas.
Unit 3: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 and rounding
Unit 3 summary: In this unit, look at methods used to multiply and divide numbers by 10, by 100, and by 1000. Rounding numbers will also be covered, including how to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
Unit 4: Fractions
Unit 4 summary: This unit will teach how to order, add, subtract and compare different amounts and quantities by using proper and improper fractions. Look at different types of fractions, and learn how to compare fractions, simplify fractions and express one number as a fraction of another number.
Unit 5: Percentages
Unit 5 summary: Explore the methods used to find percentages, reverse percentages, and will look at percentage increase or decrease. This unit will cover working out percentages and calculating percentage change.
Unit 6: Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
Unit 6 summary: This unit looks at identifying and knowing the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and provides a range of practice questions to complete throughout the unit to test knowledge in these areas.
Unit 7: Ratio, inverse and direct proportions
Unit 7 summary: In this unit, look at when ratios are used in daily life and why it is sometimes necessary to simplify ratios. Explore inverse and direct proportions within this unit, before answering a set of practice questions linked to this topic.