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Entry Level 3 Functional Skills English

Course Overview

This entry level 3 English course is ideal for anyone wishing to improve their English skills. Our e-learning resources are sequenced to challenge and maximise the development of crucial skills for work and life. Work through all the key modules for English, to fully prepare themselves for functional skills examinations.

Key Information

Course Length

Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment

For Individuals


  • Fully online course
  • Study from anywhere, at any time
  • Perfect for beginners
  • Unlimited support from qualified tutors
  • No hidden costs

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Reading (Functional Skills English Entry Level 3)

Unit 1: Understand and identify main points and ideas from text

Unit 1 summary: Look into how to efficiently understand and identify main points and ideas from texts, including how to highlight important information. Finding new words and summarising information will also be covered.

Unit 2: Different situations and different purposes of texts

Unit 2 summary: Explore texts with different purposes, including persuasive text, informative text, descriptive text and instructive text. This unit will also cover texts that are used for more than one purpose.

Unit 3: Textual features and devices

Unit 3 summary: Look at different organisational features that can be used in a piece of text and how these can be identified when reading.

Unit 4: Understanding a range of specialist words in context and how to research them

Unit 4 summary: In this unit, look at how to understand a range of specialist words in context and how to research words that are unfamiliar to them.

Speaking, Listening and Communication (Functional Skills English Entry Level 3)

Unit 1: Identifying information and responding to questions

Unit 1 summary: Look at how to develop and improve listening skills and will consider how crucial these skills are when it comes to giving and receiving instructions or holding an important conversation.

Unit 2: Communicate, express opinions and using effective language

Unit 2 summary: Look at how to develop and improve speaking skills and will consider how crucial these skills are when it comes to speaking to people in different scenarios and for different purposes.

Unit 3: Contributions and discussions

Unit 3 summary: In this unit, look at the different settings for discussions, plus how to contribute effectively to these. Asking questions and furthering conversations will also be covered.

Writing (Functional Skills English Entry Level 3)

Unit 1: Punctuation, grammar and sentence structure

Unit 1 summary: In this unit, learn to use a variety of punctuation, grammar and sentence structure features within writing. Consider how each of these features can impact on overall sentence structure and the flow of a piece of writing.

Unit 2: Spelling, irregular plurals and sequencing words in alphabetical order

Unit 2 summary: Look at the importance of correctly spelling common words used in work, study and daily life. Consider the use of singular and plural words, irregular nouns, homophones, and sequencing words in alphabetical order, and how all of these can impact spelling techniques.

Unit 3: Formal and informal language

Unit 3 summary: Within this unit, focus on the use of formal and informal language in different scenarios for different purposes and will look at specific situations where the type of language used is crucial.

Unit 4: Layout, format, structure of texts

Unit 4 summary: Explore a variety of different organisational features and layouts for different texts. The different layouts of letters and emails will be covered, as well as the reasons for using different layout features.

Unit 5: Writing various texts

Unit 5 summary: Explore how to write a variety of texts, including emails and letters. Review writing will also be covered, as well as identifying the purpose of texts.